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Bioiberica received the EMAS Gold certificate for 16 years of environmental quality management

9 Jun 2015

This is a recognition awarded by the Catalan regional government and the European Commission to organizations who have demonstrated a long-standing commitment to this voluntary environmental management policy

Sixteen years ago, Bioiberica became one of the pioneering firms to convert their environmental policy to the EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme), a voluntary environmental regulation system which was implemented by the European Union more than 20 years ago. Bioiberica is one of the oldest Catalan firms within this registry, and it has received the EMAS Gold certificate in recognition of their commitment to the environment from the Catalan regional government and by the European Commission.

Overall, 170 Catalonia-based organizations received this certification, which was delivered personally by the head of Eco Innovation and Circular Economy of the European Commission, Hugo-Maria Schally, and by the general director of Environmental Quality, Assumpta Farran. Out of 170 firms, only 19 belong to the “gold” category, which corresponds to companies with more than 15 years in the program.

The EMAS is a voluntary regulation of the European Union that gives recognition to those organizations that have implemented an Environmental Management System, committing themselves to constant improvements, which is verified through independent audits. The organizations implementing the EMAS have well-defined environmental policies, apply an environmental management system, and present periodic reports which are checked by an independently-verified environmental auditor. These entities are allowed to show the EMAS logo, which guarantees the reliability of the information provided by that company. 

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