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Bioibérica receives ISO 50.001 certification, reaches another milestone towards energy self-sufficiency

29 Oct 2014

This certification is a recognition of the excellence standards achieved by Bioiberica in their effort to improve energy efficiencyDuring the next three years, our company has set the following objectives: 15% reduction in energy consumption per production unit, 10% of the energy will come from by-product use, and 5% from renewable energies

Barcelona, October 29th, 2012. Bioibérica S.A., a biotech company specializing in the research, development, production and marketing of biomolecules for the pharmaceutical, veterinary and agrochemical industries, has taken one more step forward towards energy self-sufficiency by obtaining the ISO 50.0001:2001 certification. This certification is granted by the International Standardization Organization (ISO) and recognizes excellence in the field of energy efficacy, cost reduction and energy yield in our facilities. Both our main facilities located at Palafolls (Barcelona), as well as our six other production centers located at Toledo, Olérdola, USA, Brazil, Poland and Italy, have carried out a number of measures to reduce gas and electricity consumption, as well as greenhouse gas emissions. We have isolated almost 100% of all tubing and potential thermal loss spots, we monitor and check our boilers, and we have installed LED automatic lightning in our central warehouse. Quarterly, we also conduct thermal auditing, where we monitor energy/raw material energy consumption ratios, among others.

Mr. Jose Escaich, Bioiberica’s chief executive officer, highlighted that “one of the key factors has been the commitment and awareness of all Bioiberica’s workers-they have been able to adapt themselves and work quickly so that our company also becomes a example in the field of energy efficiency.”

Bioibérica has set the following objectives for the next three years: 15% reduction in energy consumption per production unit, 10% of our energy will come from by-product use and another 5% from renewable sources in order to guarantee 100% of our energy needs. “The scarcity of energy resources and the environmental issues associated with their consumption led us to set the objective of complete energetic self-sufficiency. Towards that aim, we are currently considering investing in a biogas plant for the production of heat and electricity”, added Mr. Escaich.

About Bioibérica S.A.
Bioibérica S.A. is a biotech company based in Palafolls (Barcelona). It was founded in 1975 and specializes in the research, development, production and marketing of biomolecules for the pharmaceutical, veterinary and agrochemical industries. It is one of the major leaders worldwide in the production of heparin, chondroprotector products against osteoarthritis, immune system and digestive care products, and plant stress products.

Our company is present in more than 70 countries, and every year, more than 15 million patients use our products worldwide. Apart from ISO 50.0001, Bioibérica also has with ISO 9.001 quality certification, ISO 14.001 and EMAS environmental certifications, OSHAS 18.0001 security certification, and SA 8.000 for its social commitment.

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