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Format: 06/17/2024
30 Jan 2013

Nearly 17% of the Andalusian population suffers from osteoarthritis, a disease that causes 35% of primary care visitsExperts will meet next Thursday in Malaga to discuss this disease and the role that pharmacists can play in monitoring its development

30 Jan 2013

The US Authorities inspected the facilities related to the production of heparin in the plants of Palafolls and Probisa.

28 Jan 2013
Animal Nutrition

Bioiberica and Natural Ingredients signed an agreement for the marketing of Nucleoforce in Spain.

5 Dec 2012
Plant Health

It is one of the most important aquaculture industry events in Latin America, and took place on October 22nd, 2012

27 Nov 2012

It was held on November 22nd, 2012 at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Universidad de La Laguna, with some 200 healthcare professionals in attendance. There were discussed the most relevant aspects of treatments and its pharma-economics assessment, as well as the latest research news

