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Bioiberica presented a comparative study between bovine lung and porcine mucosa heparin at that molecule’s world forum

10 Sep 2015

The results proved the structure and biological activity of both molecules, both at the anticoagulant, as well as interaction with PF4 levels

The main actors of the international heparin community (regulatory authorities, scientific institutions, and the major producing companies) met on 6-7 August 2015 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, at the 6th Workshop on the characterization of heparin products. 

The meeting, hosted by the USP (United States Pharmacopoeial Convention), NIBSC (National Institute for Biological Standards and Control), ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) and by the Brazilian Federal Government, had two primary aims. The first was to promote the analysis and discussion on the possible reintroduction of bovine heparin into the US market. The second was to debate issues related to the quality of unfractionated and low molecular weight heparin.

In this regard, Bioiberica presented a study of comparative structural characterization between bovine lung and porcine mucosa heparin, carried out with the most advanced analysis techniques, in collaboration with the Instituto Ronzoni and the National Institute of Biological Sciences. The results proved the structure and biological activity of both molecules, both at the anticoagulant, as well as interaction with PF4 levels.

Bioiberica is the main western producer of heparin and has a member within the expert panel of the USP. This panel is responsible for the definition of the analysis methods and for the specification of heparin of bovine origin, a key factor for the reintroduction of this compound into the market.  

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